2711 Daily Torah Schmooze

Episode 311 - The Most Valuable Lenses You Will Ever Own.

Rabbi Rafi Lipner

Details for Wed Night 8:30pm Zoom; Topic" Testing, Testing, 123 - A Jewish Len's on Life's Tests"- CLICK HERE

As per the "episode ask" Below is just a draft to make it easier if you like to cut and paste. You are obviously welcome to modify as you see fit or use your own words!


Dear ….

I am reaching out to share with you something that I believe you will greatly enjoy and benefit from, because I know that I have.

Over the past several months (311 days to be exact) I have been listening to a short daily podcast given by Rabbi Rafi Lipner. It is short enough that I can always handle it- only 4-5 minutes on average, and yet at the same time, I am amazed by how it often contains so much inspiration and relevance that can literally infuse the rest of my day with greater satisfaction and meaning, and I often find myself recalling ideas and drawing value in my life long after having listened to the podcasts. 

To be honest, I am actually amazed by how impacted I am by the wisdom that Jewish thought and tradition has.  I find these podcasts make it so accessible, while also exposing me to a whole range of different ideas, all with the goal of providing greater joy, perspective, fulfillment and meaning in my life.

I invite you to listen to today’s podcast, in which he really described the purpose of the entire podcast project he is on. CLICK HERE

I am also happy to suggest a few other personal favourites of mine if you are interested.

As someone who knows you, I would highly recommend you join me on this daily journey. I cannot adequately describe the impact.

There are two options:

  1. You can join the WHATSAPP GROUP  that gets the episode sent out daily to the followers, often with a little extra info and a nice personal touch. 
  2. You can subscribe to it on the podcast player of your choice, as it is carried by many of them:

I feel like someone would share a good stock tip with a friend so that they too could benefit from the information, and I feel the same way about this podcast.

I hope you take me up on this - at least try it. If so I would love to hear your feedback! 

Let me know if you have any questions.  Otherwise, over to you! 
